Our Mission
Our main goal is to provide our customers with a high quality vegan dining experience. You may ask, why vegan? Veganism has numerous benefits, including helping with weight loss, lowering blood sugar levels, and lowering risk of heart disease. This is because consuming more plant based foods and less meat or dairy based foods lowers cholesterol levels and A1C levels. We also wanted a way to spread our Asian culture a bit more, by including traditional dishes and drinks from different Asian cultures—but with a vegan twist!

Ingredients & Suppliers
We always try to have the freshest and healthiest ingredients, which means we source our ingredients locally and utilize in season products. Buying our produce from a local grower ensures that our food is the freshest and tastiest it can be. Also, since there is less time in between harvest and you receiving your order, nutritional value decreases significantly less than something that was sourced from a far away state. Along with benefiting the environment, consuming local produce is safer because there is less time for the food to become contaminated. And most of all, buying from local small businesses greatly supports your neighbors!
Contact Us
Address: 7232 Fourth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: (336) 386-4007
Email: contact@matchastea.com